In the Time of Plenty
by Tim Lane
Artist: Tim Lane
Title: In the Time of Plenty
Date: 2012
Dimensions: 39cm x 49cm
Medium: Giclee Print
Edition Size: 50
This limited edition giclee print on museum grade archival paper is a reproduction of an acrylic on canvas painting by Tim Lane.
Tim’s anachronistic style takes especially strong influence from classic literature and mythologies. Although Tim’s background is in illustration he now concentrates on fine art painting and drawing, in which he enjoys greater creative freedom in terms of both style and subject matter. Illustration has however helped to give structure to his love for working directly from his imagination and gives his art its narrative quality. It has also encouraged a passion for drawing, which is at the core of all his work.
Tim graduated from Falmouth College of Arts in 2004 with a first class degree in Illustration. Notable group exhibitions include Grotesques and Anatomy with Antlers Gallery, ‘Out of Darkness’ Literary Festival at The Globe at Hay, Hay-on-Wye and ‘Mortal: Life, Death and Memento Mori’ Clifton, Bristol. Tim has had two solo shows at Knifesmith Gallery in Bristol ‘The Innocents?’ 2009 and ‘Revelations’ 2010.
Original works by Tim are available, to find out more please contact Jack on: [email protected] or 0778 050 3180
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